Friday, November 6, 2009

Smoke Filled Offices

Day by Day
Orlando A

I can't remember the last time I was in a room filled with so much smoke. Candice was sitting next to me, big Hamdi across from me. Little Hamdi was pacing back and forth, smoking a merit, talking on his cellular and the lawyer was standing over his pock-faced assistant, smoking a camel, while he typed the contract pecking with two of his fingers. The lawyer dictated in Arabic and from time to time spoke in English to me. Earlier we had waited while he typed pecking slowly with one finger at a time but had become frustrated and we all were initially relieved when his assistant arrived, but later realized our mistake. I thought back to a few months ago when I was thinking about going to law school and had instead decided on travel.

The negotiations had been completed a few days before, big Hamdi had agreed to rent us his apartment for an amazing price, more than half of my ridiculously low (by US Standards) current rent, it was a wonderful three bedroom apartment a block away from the Hilton. At least two western style restaurants were nearby with grocery and a fruit stand less than a block away as well. We got the price because of Little Hamdi, who always is a bit more aggressive in these things and insisted on working with me to get the best price. I really doubt if it could have gotten lower, however the owner thought it was too low. But we had been quoted the price by family, so it was pretty much a lock. It was finally agreed that the price would be what I asked if I agreed to stay for a year and prepaid at least half the entire lease. Initially I balked, then I considered the amount in question. I figured it was not an unusual request. However, the negotiations in question at this time lasted about an hour. We sat, drinking tea, initially with a cousin of the owner. Later, we sat with the owner for another hour, discussing the deal.

Later, we talked for another hour about how we would arrange the contract. Finally, we agreed we would have a lawyer draft the contract and then have that contract drafted into English. So we sat in the lawyers office, off the darkest street in Luxor, which was more an alley, down the street from a kitchen chopping vegetables for the next day, probably a job for some luxury hotel. The first time when we arrived, the lawyer wasn't present. Candice and I look at each other. Big Hamdi has Little Hamdi call and we find out that the lawyer will be there in about twenty minutes. We go to a cafe for Turkish coffee and tea.

After Turkish coffee, we return and find a lit sign for the lawyer and his office, a small provincial spot, but indeed a lawyers office, complete with the legal library and all the expected trappings of a smaller lawyer's office space. He begins by speaking to Hamdi and then us, appraising our needs and then slowly begins typing the contract, pecking with one finger. He smokes with the other hand. Little Hamdi offers me a cigarette, I decline. Big Hamdi doesn't smoke either. About an hour later, I step outside for fresh air, even then we are halfway done. At some point we negotiate a deposit for damages, it comes out to about $50 US. The lawyer seems to think this is not necessary from my standpoint, but at the same time feels there should be some guarantee. Tourists don't normally pay deposits, but I never wanted to be a tourist. He offers me a cigarette, I decline.

Later, after negotiations, we realize that the contract will not be translated here, we will have to pick the contract up a few days later. They will be sending it out. We ride with big Hamdi, little Hamdi, and the assistant a few blocks away. The assistant is going to drop the contract off for translation. While riding with him I feel guilty for thinking of how much he reminds me of Manuel Noriega or if not him some other dictator. I wonder if I have done anything to warrant torture. I quickly dismiss the thought, since I haven't. Still, he is a scary looking guy. After he hops out, I go back to thinking happier thoughts.

A few days later, for different reasons, we decide against renting the apartment. This would have been a second apartment for us here, at least for a few months. However, even the decision against renting results in new negotiations. Big Hamdi explains that it is fine that we have made the decision, and he is okay with it, only that he has offered us this price because of the commitment to his cousin. He tells us that if we want to rent it in the future it will be more expensive. An increase by a third of the price. I explain that I understand, we talk for about ten more minutes and close with the agreement not to have the agreement right now, but perhaps in the future. This is the third flat I have been offered for a wonderful price in only so many days.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting Lan. Thanks for blogging your life abroad! Please continue to share.
